Upload Manual
First Intraction - Login?
1. Go to SS2DTR website
To upload your submission for the competition, click on the unique upload-bin-site link provided (usually found at https://rcss.io) located on the https://rcss.dev website.
2. Put in your team's Username and Password
You will receive an email regarding the confirmation of participating in each competition. Shortly After, you will receive an email containing your team's username, password, and a login link.
3. Click on SUBMIT
You should have received an email regrading the username and password. Wait for the site to load your team's account.
4. Click on Uploads
You can access the Information Board, News, YouTube, and other related items on the homepage. for your binaries you visit uploads page.
Second Intraction - How to Upload?
5. Select your team's binary
Choose your binary and hit upload
The team name and the team directory name must be the same (your binary should be inside a folder inside a compressed file).
The compressed file name must be the same as the team name.
The binary file should also include your team's libraries.
Your binary needs a start file to run one single player.
Compress file format should be *.tar.gz or *.tar.xz (the system prefers tar.gz.)
6. Wait for the upload to be finished
File Upload Errors happen when something in your upload is wrong.
Empty Upload Error: This field is required.
File Name Error:
The uploaded file name (file_name) should be the same as the team name!
Wrong Name means No team has been registered with this name (team_name)
File Extension Error: The uploaded File Extension should be tar.gz or tar.xz
File Content Type Error: The type of Uploaded file (application/content_type) should be ['/x-compressed-tar', '/x-xz-compressed-tar', '/x-xz', '/gzip', '/x-gzip'].
File Size Error: The uploaded file size can not be more than 250MB.
7. If status is saved your binary is ready to test.
After upload, your binary status will become 'saved,' showing that the server has received your binary entirely and is ready to test. You can have only one binary at 'saved,' status. Any other submission will make the current 'saved' binary to be ignored.
8. Your binary is now tested by the short run test.
When the server starts your binary test, your binary status changes to 'in_test,' showing that the server is testing your binary. The test is a short 300-cycle match between the test team and your binary.
After the test is finished, you can access the log, output, and binary to download them and also submit this binary as your round binary if there is no problem with it.
Download Binary
Download Log & Outputs
Submit Binary
Run the CheckUp test
9. Click on the Submit button
You can choose any tested binary with the Done status to be your binary for the upcoming round. You can check which binary is selected by the active column. The system will choose your very first binary as your first submission.
10. Click on the 'Run check test' icon
This will remove the previous logs and outputs and begin the long check test. The test will be 3000 cycles (at least 6 mins after your click)
Please Note That you can only submit your binary and do a long game test when the upload window is open.
11. Now your team is being test by the long checkup run
You can click on the Gear to request an update on the test.
12. You can download the new outputs and check the logs
When the gear is changed to a Tick your binary is ready and done.
Third Intraction - Errors?
Three Types of errors.
You may encounter three types of errors. The first type is the upload file error, the second is the binary structure error, and finally, standard errors like start file error, timeout error, and the similars. we cover the uplaod file error in the Second section.
Binary Structure Errors
These errors happen when your file is not following the RC22 Structure as mentioned in part one.
Examples of possible errors:
Extract Error: Extract Process Error: (system error output)
Wrong Folder Name: Does not follow the Structure. After extracting, the directory's name should be the same as the team name.
No Start File: start file does not exist.
Standards Errors
These errors happen when your binary or the server encounters an error and has some running issues. You can check the logs and the output to find the problem.
Examples of possible errors:
No Output File: There is no output file on the server, maybe the server has been killed, or the game has not finished correctly!
No Log File: There is no log file in the server, maybe the server has been killed, or the game has not finished correctly!
Wrong Start Name: The start file team name is not the same as your user name (team name), or the system could not run your team!
Timeout: timeouts (if the game didn't finish after a long time, the system will automatically kill the server and players and send the remaining logs to the user)
If there is no log, there is a problem with the start file or your team gcc/ubuntu version (not forward compatible).
Server Errors: error code, path error, etc
Binary Structure
Prepare your team directory. Note that the team name and the team directory name must be the same.
Keep the necessary files in the team's directory and delete the others. As an example, the essential files for agent2d are these files below:
formations conf:
Agents Lib (Librcsc)
Put the following files in the directory.
library directory
start (GDrive)
Rewrite the “start” file.
teamname="agent2d" (your_team_name)
player="./sample_player" (your_player_file)
coach="./sample_coach" (your_coach_file)
config="player.conf" (your_player_config)
coach_config="coach.conf" (your_coach_config)
config_dir="formation-dt" (other_configs)
Check if the team starts. You can use the LocalStartAll script to check your team.
Compress the team directory with .tar.gz format or tar.xz format. The compressed file name must be the same as the team name. The preferred compress format is gz! [(e.g.) team2023 → team2023.tar.gz]
An example command to archive a team directory:
$ tar czvfp TEAMNAME.tar.gz TEAMNAME/
Team directory example
├── ※lib (library directory)
├── formations-dt
├── coach.conf
├── kill
├── player.conf
├── sample_coach
├── sample_player
├── start
└── start.sh